Laundromat Portfolio
Codie Sanchez shares her experience of building a laundromat portfolio while working in finance.
"I bought multiple laundromats. We kept buying laundromats. In total, I probably owned like 25 or 30 laundromats over my career of laundromatting, but that first little portfolio was probably 7 or 8.
I was working full time at the time. I was at a company called First Trust, then mostly in Latin America, so I couldn't do too much with it back then.
The reason I bought the laundromat is because I had an operator that already knew how to run laundromats and had found one that we could buy for very cheap. I was like, I don't like a lot of risk. I could front 100k, okay, buy this, and then if we run that and that works, let's get 3 to 5 of them and get rolling."
Codie Sanchez
Content creator helping others ride the silver tsunami
Codie's played in a lot of sandboxes as a building an investment firm in latin america, a venture fund focused on small business infrastructure, a media business and a small business holding company.
On her Contrarian Thinking: Contrarian Thinking’s mission is to bring more humans into financial freedom, making us fluent in the language of money. Civilize the mind. Make savage the body. Build the bank account.