High Agency
High agency is a crucial personality trait that distinguishes proactive individuals who take control of their lives and circumstances. Here's a framework to understand and develop high agency:
Core components of high agency
- Locus of control: Belief in one's ability to influence outcomes
- Intentionalism: Clear direction and goals
- Resourcefulness: Capability to achieve desired outcomes
- High bias for action: Immediate and consistent execution
Characteristics of high agency individuals
- Energy distortion field: Ability to energize others after interactions
- Non-conformity: Opinions and behaviors that don't align with stereotypes
- Immigrant mentality: Willingness to relocate and start from scratch
- Contrarian thinking: Going against social incentives when necessary
Identifying high agency
- Weird teenage hobbies: Early signs of unconventional thinking and action
- Ability to overcome obstacles: Finding ways around "impossible" situations
- Constant movement: Always working on projects or ideas
- Surprising opinions: Views that don't fit expected patterns
Developing high agency
- Avoid making someone "low agency":
- Don't be overly general
- Use deadlines
- Provide step-by-step instructions
- Learn from high agency role models:
- Observe their values and behaviors
- Reverse engineer their approach to problems
- Treat decisions as experiments:
- Reduces analysis paralysis
- Encourages action and learning