Craig Clemens on MFM
yes exactly so think about benefits what's the benefit what's in it for them you know these people are busy right now sean I think people see something like 4000 ads a day and they did a study and it showed that the human brain has the same intelligence span as a goldfish it's like less than you know the ability of a goldfish to pay attention so how do you grab their attention well you have to talk about something that's exciting to them something that keeps them up at night or something that they you know have a deep dream hope and desire for so I wanna get back to that demonstration though where did claude get the idea for this demonstration so 18/54 there's a guy named otis and otis gets into the elevator business and he didn't invent the elevator but he came up with a braking system for the elevator so back then people were afraid to use elevators because every once in a while just like today you hear about a car accident you hear about a elevator accident where you know people get on and the elevator falls down right so otis creates this great braking system 1st year out he only sells 3 elevators the next year out he sells 7 elevators like no one cares you know he doesn't doesn't have the ability to get the word out and then he meets this guy named pt barnum and so everyone probably now knows pt barnum one of the the greatest marketing and showmen of all time and pt barnum says this is what we're gonna do we're gonna go to the crystal palace in new york city which was this big exhibition hall and we're gonna do a grand demonstration so otis gets up there on this elevator shaft and he has his assistant get up there with an ax and so he's standing out at the the elevator goes up the shaft to just like it normally would at a building and he's like cut the cord jimmy he goes boom but he cuts the first cord the elevator drops like just a little bit and then there's one more chord hanging and everyone's looking out they're like oh shit what's it there he goes this is the chord and then boom it puts actually the second chord in the elevator only 2 feet and it stops and he's like all safe here gentlemen all safe and those are like like famous words that were published in the newspaper all safe here and it showed that otis had invented a braking system for elevators of worth so over the next decade he sold 2,000 elevators he got all the greatest commissions he did the the elleifel tower the empire state building and even today if you look at your elevator I've found about half of the elevators I get into have this little otis logo otis is is still crushing elevators
Craig Clemens
Founder of Golden Hippo, a 9-figure revenue company with nearly 900 team members. Started by selling digital products and ebooks, focusing on dating advice. Leveraged expertise in long-form copywriting and educational content creation to drive business growth.