Unexpected Fan Intrusion at Kevin's Home

Kevin Espiritu shares a story about an unexpected visitor to his home, illustrating the potential downsides of internet fame.

"I had an experience earlier this year where this woman came up to the front door, knocked on it, said 'Yoo-hoo,' and then looked in the house. She then went out to the front gate, opened it, messed around with some plants, and tried to walk around to the backyard.

My assistant was in the backyard and came around to the front, so they kind of butted heads. My assistant freaked out, asking who this woman was. The woman saw nothing wrong with what she was doing. She said, 'Oh yeah, I just wanted to see if you guys were filming, wanted to come say hi.'

We're like, 'We don't know who you are,' and there's nothing we could have said to her that would have made her understand her behavior was completely out of the norm. Every so often, it's the law of large numbers. If you have an audience of many millions, all you need is 0.1%, and that's still like 14 people that'll come mess with you."


Kevin Espiritu

Started Epic Gardening in 2013 as a blog, which grew into an e-commerce business.

Shares gardening expertise through various media platforms, including podcasts and YouTube videos.

Built a trusted brand in the gardening community without formal horticulture qualifications.

Content Creator