Millionaire Matchmaking Service
Nick proposes a high-end millionaire matchmaking service with a unique pricing model and target audience.
Key Points:
Target Clientele:
- Ultra-wealthy individuals
- Minimum $50 million net worth
- 5 million+ social media followers
Pricing Model:
- $1 million minimum success fee
- Contingency-based - only pay if married
- No upfront costs
Service Approach:
- Exclusive, high-end matchmaking
- Handshake agreement for payment
- Long-term perspective (willing to let matches play out over 5 years)
Unique Selling Points:
- Only seven-figure millionaire matchmaker
- No retainer, unlike traditional matchmakers
- Access to ultra-high-net-worth individuals
Potential Benefits:
- Meet interesting, successful people
- Build a roster of high-profile clients
- Leverage connections for future opportunities
- Extremely successful people struggle to market themselves in dating
- High potential return for clients justifies the fee
- Matchmaker doesn't need immediate income, allowing for contingency model
28:04 - 34:41
Full video: 01:21:49NG
Nick Gray
Event host and MC extraordinaire. Specializes in managing conferences, panels, and keynote speakers with finesse. Passionate about men's hair loss prevention and helping others organize successful meetups.